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Don’t believe all that you read in the papers!  - Case Study

We were contacted a few months back by a gentleman who wished to trace his father that he had lost contact with at birth. He provided his name which was an unusual surname (this helps), and some other information, including his nickname as a young man. Our research team got to work and after a few days of working on the case we had it concluded, tying all the information in that the client had provided.

The team were very excited to report back to the client we had found his father and he had a very famous sister, he couldn’t believe it! We were able to provide a phone number and the client rang his father the next day. Two days later he met with his father and his sister and he reported back it had gone fantastic. We had a good giggle when we read the papers a few days later. They claimed in fact the sister had traced him online, and this was so far from the truth!

If you have someone you would like to trace, have it be an old friend, family member or even bad debtor, give us a call today, we can help!

Created on 17th October 2013



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